The purpose of this policy is to protect children, young people and adults at risk of harm or abuse by laying out the

commitments made by Consultive Solutions Limited (CSL) in line with national legislations and the relevant national and local


All staff and associated personnel shall safeguard these groups by ensuring that our activities are delivered in a way which

keeps children and adults safe.

This extends to recognising and reporting harm experienced anywhere, including within our business activities at our own

premises and the premises of our clients.


CSL is committed to creating a culture of zero-tolerance of harm to children and adults which necessitates: the recognition of

whom may be at risk and the circumstances which may increase risk; knowing how abuse, exploitation or neglect manifests

itself; and being willing to report safeguarding concerns.

All staff have a personal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare and wellbeing of all children and adults at risk of harm by

protecting them from abuse which may be:

• Neglect

• Emotional or Psychological abuse

• Physical abuse

• Sexual abuse

• Financial or material abuse

• Discriminatory abuse

CSL will:

• Ensure all staff have access to, are familiar with, and know their responsibilities within this policy

• Design and undertake all its programmes and activities in a way that protects people from any risk of harm that may

arise from their coming into contact with CSL.

• Implement stringent safeguarding procedures when recruiting, managing and deploying staff and associated personnel

• Ensure staff receive training on safeguarding at a level commensurate with their role in the organisation

• Follow up on reports of safeguarding concerns promptly and according to due process


Where a child or person is at immediate risk of serious harm, staff should call 999, thereafter, Derek Scott should be contract

as soon as reasonably practicable.

Where there is a safeguarding concern but no immediate risk of serious harm, the staff who has heard or witnessed concern

should consult with Derek Scott and/or the appropriate contact as soon as practicable and by no later than the end of that

same day.

Consultive Solutions Limited Doc Ref- 313v1 Safeguarding Policy


Upon receipt of any safeguarding concern, Derek Scott shall consult with any other relevant persons and will make the

appropriate referrals to the relevant authorities in according to policy and procedure, and legal and statutory obligations.


A written record must be kept about any safeguarding concern. This must include details of the person involved, the nature of

the concern and the actions taken, decision made and why.

CSL expects all employees to maintain confidentiality. Information will only be shared in line with the General Data Projection

Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection.