We are delighted to announce that Nick Aldworth will be joining our keynote speaker line-up at our Developing Safer Environments event on 20th June at St James’ Park, Newcastle.

Nick has had a 40 yr career in protective security and counter-terrorism, during which time he has been responsible for protecting NATO installations, coordinating armed protection for VIPs, undertaking counter-terrorism search operations, leading armed response teams and, since 2019, he has worked in the private sector.

In 2015, Nick was appointed head of counter-terrorism protective security operations for London, leading multi-disciplinary teams in responding to terrorist attacks in the UK and overseas until 2018, notably the 4 attacks in London in 2017, as well as that in Manchester.

In 2018, Nick was appointed UK counter-terrorism national coordinator, responsible for mobilising the UK to protect itself from terrorism, and for ensuring that the emergency services were prepared for such incidents. He was a member of the National Security Council.

In February 2019, Nick produced the white paper for Martyn’s Law, which has become the Counter-Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill that is now before Parliament. Nick left policing in 2019 to set up his own not-for-profit business, dedicating most of his resources and time to promoting the Martyn’s Law campaign. In 2022, his company funded and conducted two medical aid missions to south-east Ukraine, something that Nick sees as a continuation of his desire to fight terrorism in all its forms.

Nick regularly speaks alongside victims of terrorism to galvanise support for Martyn’s Law and, since 2019, has spoken to hundreds-of-thousands of people through presentations and mass-media appearances.

Nick is Director for Counter-Terrorism, Intelligence and Risk at Carlisle Support Services, a visiting fellow in counter-terrorism at Cranfield University, and one of only 450 Chartered Security professionals.